Live Retreats

with Katie and Joshua

Hey Friends!

We are excited to make our new home in Park City available

for deeply transformational experiences.

Whether you want to go deeper into your business,

your relationship, or in developing your unique gifts,

we would be honored to be of service.


We would love to create a retreat that fits you like a glove--with the exact balance of work, rest, play, and surprise you need. Whether you want to bring refreshing new energy into an existing project, dive deeper into your inner world to show up more authentically in your relationships, or recharge your heart and body in our nourishing sanctuary on a private 11 acre expanse outside of Park City, we are excited to co-create the perfect retreat experience for you.

Join a group Quantum Theater retreat

or Create your Custom Transformational Experience--
all retreats take place in our home situated on an 11-acre expanse
just outside of Park City, Utah.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Katie and Joshua

Note: By Invitation or referral only

As our retreats take place in our private home, we are not advertising this page to the general public. If we sent you this webpage, it means we'd be excited to host you in our cozy guest room!

We welcome referrals, and we ask that you use discretion before sharing this invitations with others. 

Ignite your Creative Spark.

Rekindle your inner fire.

Express your deepest truths.

Discover your secret delights.

Reestablish access to your creative essence.

Let your natural creativity feed the life of your dreams.

Creative Spark was originally a 6 week program with 10 participants.

Everyone in the program challenged themselves to develop a creative project beyond what they thought was possible. This assisted participants in shifting away from old identities and into feeling more capable of new ventures.

Fill out the form to share your wildest dreams for your creative expression!

Finding Resonance: for Couples

Romantic relationships are perhaps the most challenging, interesting, intense, beautiful, and mysterious part of being a human. Sometimes they seem like "can't live with them, can't live without them".

The truth is, the container of intimate relationships is a holy ground - a perfect arena for cultivating greater self-trust and self-compassion, clear boundaries, honest expression, and allowing ourselves to be loved in the ways we have always needed in order to move our stories forward.

Learn how to relate more deeply, connect more honestly, care more authentically, and grow together undeniably.

Fill out the form to share your wildest dreams for your love life!


Transformational Branding Retreat.

Representing Your Deepest Message

Whether you are a solo entrepreneur or an entire team of colleagues, your message is your brand. And you are inseparable from your message. 

By going deep into your own motives, understanding where you have conflicting perspectives (which are inevitably working against you), we can resolve these tension and emerge with a more holistic brand, a more precise message, and more certainty for your clients and yourself.

This is not about creating the right graphics, this is about aligning with your work in such a way that branding becomes "automatic" because you are clear about YOU.

Fill out the form to share your wildest dreams for making a living sharing your gifts!

Group Event:

Quantum Theater Facilitator Training

Stage 1 of 5

*Tentatively* July 28-31

For everyone who has been asking for facilitator training - it is finally here!

This group retreat is pre-arranged to meet from July 28-31, with a maximum of 8 participants.

Learn why The Quantum Theater works for effective trauma resolution.

Learn how The Quantum Theater facilitator engages with the subconscious mind for tangible results.

Learn when specific plot points of QT sessions will naturally arise and create an opening for a deeper truth to replace the old stories.

Learn what is necessary for facilitators to recognize for effective change.

Learn who needs to be represented in the storylines, for archetypal precision within the polarities being neutralized within the client.

Warning: Facilitators of this modality must have flexible minds, as you will be forced through your own process to allow in more love than ever before. As you provide this service, it serves you too!

Register now! Cost: $997.

Includes lodging and meals.

Please also fill out the form!

Bring your own snacks and transportation (if desired).

We are happy to arrange a ride from the SLC airport for you.

Ready to create your own private experience?

Fill out the form at the top!

© 2021 Created in the Spirit of True Participation